Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hi Jouranl

Todays topic is what ever you want and i going to write about what I want for christmas i want a ipod and I want it to be purple because it is my favorite and it a pretty and i also want more poselen dolls and I also want a new blanket because all the blankets i have I want more beause they are so cool. This is what i want to get one of my friend for their birthday and there name is Amanda Hages it is purple and it is beany blanket beauce she really like it and it is nice and warm. Here are some picture if them things. Or i can get her and tinkerbell.


stingray said...

Hye anna banana. Well I think that you had a really good blog today. Well keep up the good work. Well this is all Ireally have to talk about today. TTYl

i am the ling ling' said...

that is so nice you are gettin gthat for your freind. nice blog today.bye