Thursday, April 12, 2007

Today's topic is family my sister and my sister are always nice to me and half of the time Wesley is mean my sister name is Emma my mom name is Tina and dads name is Bryan. On my side there is Karen and Ceil. My aunts and uncle are Mindy and Rick and Julie and Mike and Sheila and Stacy and Teresa and Steve. My cousin names are Kimberly Larissa and Shayla and Kaylee and Kevin and Leslie and Brandon and Michael. Some of these people live in Gillette and some live in Upton and Some live in Nevada. That is on my mom side and all the names of them. Here are the people on my Dads side he has 7 cousin and their names are Alisea and Sasha and Angel and Brandi and Deina Bunk Dee. Brandi is Mexican and so that is why all of her kids are named that you never heard of. If you saw them you would think they are cute too and she is very pretty. That is the faniley on my dads side. I think they are mexican because their moms mom is mexican. She named a baby boy Angel because she is mexican. She also has her tounge priced and her belly botten too and she thinks it kool well its not. Her little girl Alisea wants to get her tounge priced and i told her don't because it hurts like crazy and she said ok. I love her so and I also love her mom to. I hpoe you enjoyed it!

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