Monday, April 30, 2007

The cost of educating border-crossing children is the artical I read and it was and that the kids should be ship to a different school.

Friday, April 27, 2007

The way it will change in 10 years because you will know a lot more than I do know and it will change. It also will change more because you will want have to look down at the keys because of what we learned in the 6th grade and the other thing that will happend in the next is that we will be better typer than we are now and that we will have cars so that we can drive places so that our mom don't have to drive us anywhere.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hi Jouranl

Todays topic is what ever you want and i going to write about what I want for christmas i want a ipod and I want it to be purple because it is my favorite and it a pretty and i also want more poselen dolls and I also want a new blanket because all the blankets i have I want more beause they are so cool. This is what i want to get one of my friend for their birthday and there name is Amanda Hages it is purple and it is beany blanket beauce she really like it and it is nice and warm. Here are some picture if them things. Or i can get her and tinkerbell.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Toady's topic is about what you are going to do this summer. This is what I'm going to do this summer I'm going to go swimming and i will get to see them. that is what I'm going to do this summer and we might go on picnics with our family to the park in Spearfish or in Newcastle and we also might go stay in Gillette and stay up there for 2weeks each up at my aunts Julie and uncles Mikes. We also might go to my grandma's and stay the night at her house. That is all that I'm going to do this summer and we might stay at friends house.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Today topic is whatever you want and i going to talk about what i did this weekend. The th8ing i did this weekend is I went to my Uncel Ryan and we had a barbeq and we played vollyball and the boys took it away from us and they went on oneside and the other in my moms friends yars and they were throwing it back and forth and i went to get and i triped and scrape my knee and it hurt like crazy. The other thing is that meladie stayed the night at my house for 2 nights on a row and we had so much fun because we were all aone one of the nights because my sister was at brenna's house and my mom was still at Ryan. Then the first night she stayed my house was when my sister and we also had fun to.

Friday, April 13, 2007

What Rant Mean To You?

Hey its me again and you are going to love the topic it is the Rant and this means when you are mad at someone. Like say you were mad at your sisterbecause she want stay out of your room that makes you really mad. Your brother you always make you mad because he cause trouble. That is what rant means to me and maybe you think different. That is Rant yo me.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Today's topic is family my sister and my sister are always nice to me and half of the time Wesley is mean my sister name is Emma my mom name is Tina and dads name is Bryan. On my side there is Karen and Ceil. My aunts and uncle are Mindy and Rick and Julie and Mike and Sheila and Stacy and Teresa and Steve. My cousin names are Kimberly Larissa and Shayla and Kaylee and Kevin and Leslie and Brandon and Michael. Some of these people live in Gillette and some live in Upton and Some live in Nevada. That is on my mom side and all the names of them. Here are the people on my Dads side he has 7 cousin and their names are Alisea and Sasha and Angel and Brandi and Deina Bunk Dee. Brandi is Mexican and so that is why all of her kids are named that you never heard of. If you saw them you would think they are cute too and she is very pretty. That is the faniley on my dads side. I think they are mexican because their moms mom is mexican. She named a baby boy Angel because she is mexican. She also has her tounge priced and her belly botten too and she thinks it kool well its not. Her little girl Alisea wants to get her tounge priced and i told her don't because it hurts like crazy and she said ok. I love her so and I also love her mom to. I hpoe you enjoyed it!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Fraorite Holiday is Christmas and Easter

Hi jouranl

Todays topic is your favorite Holiday and it is christmas i like this because I like and to sing Christmas song and I also like to open presents on christmas and play with them. Here is a picture of songs and presents.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

My favorite thing to do on the weekend is to hang out with my friends and play on the computers and and ride my bike and paly in my room. I also like to play with my aunts brown puppies! I also like tp sit on the porsc anmd listen to thr Blue jays sing its so much fun!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Today's topic is where I want to live when I grow up. Here is where I want to live when i grow up I want to live in North Dakota because I now people there and they are my cousin and there names are Alesea, Sasha, Brandi and last but not least Angel. Alesea is 3 and Sasha is 1 Brandi is 26 and Angel is 1 month I think and her mom and dads are Dee and Bunk and that and my other cousin Dianne is she is very sick right now because she smokes and she is not soppse to because she has lung Cancer and she could die any day because of it and that not all has amam and shes in hospital and I'm and worry. They haven't called us sense we been down there which was on Thanksgiving and its been a long time and that not good. I hoping they call us if she ends up dieing. I also want to live there because i miss them alot and I want to go bowling every day and i want to go to the ice cream place to.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Vedio Games

Todays journal is Veido Games are really fun i know because i have a plystation2 and my mom has a game cude and it is fun i love them.

My Blog

This is Friday's journal because we didn't get to come in here on Friday because we were doing a worksheet it is called Crime. Crime is very bad you end up hurting people you and never get over get over it people say your brother could be riding his bike and get hurt and you can never forget that day that you said your last word like I HATE YOU I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!That crime to me and what it means to me and what i think it means your brother and sister should never say the word U hate get out of my life! And drinking is crime also and smoking is crime also anything that in vols alcoho. Pills that you do't need to take is also a crime.